Sulemani Hakik

Sulemani Hakik

Sulemani Hakik Gemstone (सुलेमानी हकिक रत्न)

Sulemani Hakik is belived to have the power to balance yin and yang, the positive and negative energy that hold the universe in its proper place. It is the gemstone of an assortment of cryptocrystalline quartz. Agate is the stone which everybody should keep to attract good fortune.

Sulemani Hakik stimulates the digestive process and improves gastritis. This cures the eyes, stomach, and female genital organs. Agate cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas.

Agate was highly valued as a talisman or amulet in ancient times. It was said to quench thirst and protect against fever. Persian magicians used agate to divert storms. A famous collection of two to four thousand agate bowls which was accumulated by Mithridates, king of Pontus, shows the enthusiasm with which agate was regarded. Agate bowls were also popular in the Byzantine Empire.

Sulemani Hakik Stone is considered as Holy Stone and it provides you the intuition of the future and provides you protection against the bad dreams. We have full collection of Hakik or Hakik Gem Stones in Black, Brown, Grey, Red, and White in colours. They are available in various sizes and weights. Hakik Beads Rosary in Black and red is also available. The benefit of Hakik is that it creates joy in the heart, is good for eyesight and it helps illuminate sadness and anger. It is also revered in other religious and has been in use from the time of Hazrat Adam. It absorbs the rays of the sun and passes these onto the body and is good for health. Black Hakik protects children from envious eyes. Vedic Astrology tells us that each planet has associated gemstones that have healing properties. Each planet has a primary gemstone and some secondary gemstones that can be used as substitutes. There are other people, mainly students of astrology, who hold that from the standpoint of the occult powers of gems their true value is to be found only in connection with the sign of the zodiac in which the sun was at the time of one’s birth. The astrological calendar and the signs of the zodiac have come down to us from the ancient Babylonians as another example of their efforts to seek protection from the dangers that threatened the living. We offer two basic kinds of services namely astrology and birthstones consultancy. Both of them are based on ancient Indian Vedic science which has upheld its tradition proudly since the time immemorial.

Sulemani Hakik Stone is considered as Holy Stone and it provides you the intuition of the future and provides you protection against the bad dreams. They are available in various sizes and weights. Original Hakeek Beads Rosary in Black and red is also available.

Sulemani Hakik Stone was an Islamic renaming of beads already in use for religious purposes for thousands of years. Black/brownish beads with white stripes were used as objects of worship and in prayer malas by the Buddhists of Asia and most probably also before that, reaching back to 700 B.C.

Sulemani Akik Stone wearer has the comprehensive power to analyze things first before reacting. It is the most recommended Sulemani Akik Stone to be worn as a ring or pendent. On a Friday evening after finishing your puja, take an akik stone mala and chant the following mantra 108 times.”Om Hrim Hrim Shree Shree”

सुलेमानी हकीक धारण करने के लाभ :

हर तरह के काला जादू और बुरी नजर के प्रभाव से बचाता है और अगर किसी को ऐसा लगता हो कि उस पर किसी की बुरी नजर है तो ऐसी अवस्‍था में उसे हकीक तुरंत धारण कर लेना चाहिए।

नौकरी या व्‍यवसाय में अगर परेशानी आ रही हो तो भी इस रत्‍न को धारण करना बहुत उचित रहता है। यह विपत्‍ती और परेशानियों में आपको संभाले रखने का काम करता है।

आपमें आकर्षण को बढ़ाता है इसलिए अगर आप किसी को अपना बनाना चाहते हैं या चाहते हैं कि सामने वाला बस आपकी तारीफ के कसीदे पड़ता रहे तो इस चमत्‍कारिक पत्‍थर को धारण करने में बिल्‍कुल भी देरी न करें।

सभी रत्‍नों में सिर्फ यही ऐसा पत्‍थर है जो कर तरह के किए कराए का काट है। इसलिए अगर ऐसा लगता हो कि किसी की बुरी नजर के कारण आपका घर में अशांति है और व्‍यापार में लगातार घाटा हो रहा है तो इसे अवश्‍य धारण करें।

इस पत्‍थर को धारण करने से शत्रुओं का समूल नाश हो जाता है। यह सेहत के लिए भी किसी रामबाण जैसा है।

अगर आप राहू केतु और शनि के दुष्‍प्रभावों से पीडि़त हैं तो सिर्फ सुलेमानी हकीक को धारण किजीए यह इन तीनों ग्रहों के अच्‍छे फल को देगा।

हकीक धारण करने की विधि:

यह रत्‍न शनि‍वार के दिन चांदी की अंगूठी में बीच अंगुली में धारण करते हैं। या इसे चांदी में लॉकेट में गले में भी धारण किया जा सकता है। इसे कोई भी व्‍यक्‍ति पहन सकता है।


Sulemani Hakik 04.47 Carats

Sulemani Hakik 04.47 Carats

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Sulemani Hakik 09.00 Carats

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₹25,663.00 ₹27,192.81 Ex Tax: ₹25,599.00


Sulemani Hakik 10.20 Carats

Sulemani Hakik 10.20 Carats

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