Lord Saturn (Shani) Neelam

Lord Saturn (Shani) Neelam

SATURN-BLUE SAPPHIRE :Enhance the positive qualities associated with Saturn


Saturn is also known as Shani in Vedic astrology is considered as one of the most influential and powerful planets. It is also known as the fruit bearer of Karma.it is considered a factor of age, misery, and technicality.

Blue Sapphire also known as Neelam is the gemstone associated with Saturn. It is highly valued for its deep blue color and is believed to harness the energies of Saturn. It is considered the most effective gemstone for balancing the energies of Saturn. It is also believed to enhance the positive qualities associated with Saturn. 

Please follow the steps given below before wearing a Blue Sapphire/Neelam:

Step 1:

Seek guidance from a non-materialistic astrologer to determine the compatibility of a Blue Sapphire gemstone with your horoscope and natal charts.


Step 2:

Go for a natural certified unused Blue Sapphire gemstone from a reputable and knowledgeable gem dealer. Avoid becoming a victim of inexpensive counterfeit gemstones commonly found in many locations. Avoid going for synthetics or imitations as the quality of the Blue Sapphire can have tremendous impact on you and your overall well being. Also, avoid utilizing reused gemstones as they have the potential to bring unfavorable outcomes to those who wear them.


Step 3:

Once you have purchased a certified Blue Sapphire, choose an appropriate metal to be embedded with it. Typically, silver, or white gold are recommended to be worn with Blue Sapphire. The gemstone should be set in such a way that it touches the skin of the middle finger of the wearer. One can also wear a pendant for excellent results.


Step 4:

The suitable carat weight of the Blue Sapphire can vary depending on individual factors and astrological recommendations. It is generally suggested that the weight of the stone should be 4-5 carats or within a range of 1/5th of the body weight.


Step 5:

It is advised to wear the Blue Sapphire on a Saturday morning between 5-7 am during the first hour of sunrise. Alternatively, you can also wear it in the morning before sunrise on a Saturday during Shukla Paksha (the waxing phase of the moon), on your middle finger.


Step 6:

For wearing (Dharan Vidhi) the Blue Sapphire, soak it in raw milk, honey, and pure water/Gangajal for 20-30 minutes, and offer it to Lord Saturn (Shani).


Step 7:

The ring, when washed, should be kept on a white cloth without any patterns or designs. The wearer should be sitting on a straw mat facing west while worshiping. Worship the ring with a tilak, flowers, and ing. In the end, the Blue Sapphire should be worshiped while chanting the mantra:



The person wearing the Blue Sapphire should also donate items such as black sesame seeds, iron, oil, and money to the poor and needy.


Step 8:

The ring should be worn on the middle finger. The choice of wearing the stone may vary based on personal preferences, astrological recommendations, and cultural traditions. The Blue Sapphire can be worn for a recommended period, which is typically 2-3 years. After this period, the stone may become inactive, and it is advisable to change the stone.


Step 9:

To maintain the vitality of the stone, it is advisable to regularly clean it with water and gentle soap, specifically focusing on the underside to eliminate any accumulated toxic substances. Blue Sapphires are delicate gemstones, so it is advised not to place them on cotton.


 Chanting this mantra is believed to bring several benefits:

1)      Balancing the influence of Saturn: Lord Shani is considered the ruler of the planet Saturn, and chanting this mantra is believed to help mitigate the negative effects of Saturn’s influence in one’s life. It is believed to help reduce the malefic effects of Saturn’s transit.


2)      Chanting this mantra can instill discipline, responsibility, and self-discipline in one’s life, prompting a strong work ethic and accountability.


3)      It is believed chanting this mantra can help overcome obstacles and challenges, bringing about positive changes and easing hardships on the path to success.


4)      This mantra is considered a spiritual practice that fosters inner growth and self-awareness through introspection, self-reflection, and understanding of karmic patterns.


5)      By chanting this mantra with devotion and sincerity, it is believed that one can attract the blessings and prosperity associated with Lord Shani, experiencing abundance and overall well-being.


Tamasic foods are those that have a sedative effect on the mind and body. In general,they are considered detrimental. According to yoga, these foods are to be avoided as they can cause mental dullness and physical numbness. However, in times of pain they are allowed to alleviate suffering.

Examples include: meat of an animal, fish,the fertilized egg, onion, garlic, scallion, leek, chive, mushroom, alcoholic beverages, durian, blue cheese, eggplant, opium, and any food which has been kept overnight before consumption.


Sattvic foods are those that lead to clarity of mind and physical health. These foods are to be consumed on a regular basis. Sattvic foods are generally those which can be obtained without harming either another organism or one's self. Only Sattvic foods are acceptable as offerings to the Hindu gods, with rare exceptions.

Examples include: water, cereal grains,legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, unpasteurized and unhomogenized fresh milk and all fresh milk derivatives (mostly ghee, but also butter, cream, fresh or cottage cheese ( paneer), and yogurt (lassi)), and raw honey.


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