One of the most popular named gemstones is Topaz, unfortunately many gemstones that in the past went under the name of Topaz were stated incorrectly. The idea and custom of all yellow gemstones and minerals being called Topaz in the past has had a lot to do with its misrepresentation.
Topaz comes from the Greek word topazos. Topazos means any stone which is the color of yellow. Since this naming convention lasted for millennia, you are left with a wide variety of stones such as quartz and peridot being called Topaz. Citrine is possibly the most misrepresented yellow stone. Citrine is burnt Amethyst- a type of quartz.
Yellow Topaz usually comes in a variety of hues, from bright yellow, to a pale yellow to a brownish yellow. While Yellow Topaz is perhaps the most common and affordable, it is still extremely attractive and goes well with today’s fashions.
It should be noted that for the most part, Topaz is generally enhanced or treated, in most cases to give the Topaz mineral exceptional color. While Yellow Topaz can be treated, it is Yellow Topaz that is treated to make blue or other hued Topazes. It should be noted that Topaz comes in a myriad of wonderful colors and it has what is called a color center that gives this mineral its wonderful hues.
Yellow Topaz is a fluorosilicate and it has the elements of aluminum, fluoride and silica. It is found in many regions around the world and it has been used throughout the ages as a talisman and for its medicinal and spiritual properties.
What is Yellow Topaz used for?
Topaz is one of the oldest known stones in the world. It is a beautiful crystal gemstone that comes in a remarkable amount of colors. While today Yellow Topaz is primarily used for ornamental jewelry, in the past, as well as modern times, Yellow Topaz is associated with mystical and medicinal properties.
Yellow Topaz comes from the Greek word topazos, this word means any stone that is yellow in color. Unfortunately there are lots of gemstones that come in yellow such as Peridot and Citrine and many of these stones are still mistaken or sold commercially under the Topaz name, usually Mystic Topaz or Smoky Topaz.
While Yellow Topaz is the most common and least expensive Topaz color, it is extremely beautiful and its array of colors makes very fashionable jewelry. Yellow Topaz can come in a varieties of yellow, such as a pale yellow, bright yellow, brownish yellow and greenish yellow.
Another use for Yellow topaz is to use it to create other Topaz colors. All Topaz have color centers that can change color when subjected to intense heat or radiation. Yellow Topaz is usually used to create Blue Topaz or other colors such as green or red.
There are also plenty of medicinal and mystical properties associated with Yellow Topaz, such as warding off evil and illness. It is also used to calm the mind and inspire creativity.