Feng Shui Chakra Cleanser

Chinese geomancy popularly known as Feng Shui, is a pseudoscientific traditional practice which originated from ancient China, and claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term feng shui in Chinese literally translates as "wind-water" in English language. This concept was basically derived from an ancient poem which spoke about human life being connected and flowing with the environment around it.
The basic philosophy of the feng shui is that, it is a practice of arranging the pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world. The ultimate goal is to harness energy forces and establish harmony between an individual and their environment.
Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The feng shui practice discusses architecture in terms of "invisible forces" that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as qi.
To avoid damage, it is not recommend to cleanse crystal and gemstone bracelets by use of water, salt or the Sun. Best ways recommended is to use Full Moon, Brown Rice or sage to cleanse the bracelet. Do not let your bracelet stand in the sun for hours and do not let it soak in salted water.
Chakra (chaakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.
How do you use chakra stones to heal the throat chakra?
- Place them over your throat chakra. Put a stone on the base of your throat while you meditate.
- Wear them as jewelry. Wrap a stone in wire or cord and wear it as a necklace. ...
- Carry them with you. Place a stone in your pocket or purse. ...
- Use them as décor.
A chakra wand is a tool used to clean the energy and active chakra energy in your body. This is a kind of a crystal healing method which got a tube-like gadget that contains natural crystals. There are different types of chakra wands available on the market.
#7Chakra #Stone #Bonded #Facet #Natural #Dowsing #Crystal #Pendulum #ReikiHealing #Dowsing #Meditation #Protection #Self-Confidence #Communication #Emotional #Balance #Strength #Dowsing #Dowser #Pendulum #Vastu #Angle #Feng-Shui #Chakra #Cleanser
***Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties mentioned on this website are collected from various sources online & books. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat any medical conditions whatsoever. Mahavir Gems® does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.
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